Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Journey

Thank you all for following our story!  We are pretty excited and can't wait to start our home study on August 3rd.  We have lots of paper work to fill out and turn in before then. Kenneth and I are still really new to the whole process so we will keep you updated as much as we can.

For those of you interested in donating I thought you might like to know what your donations will be used for.

The First step is the Home Study.  This usually consists of 3 or 4 visits from a social worker.  As I said before we have a lot of paper work to fill out!  This process usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks to compete.

Next we sign our contract with T. (she will be assisting us with the adoption).  She will assist us in getting our application to USCIS (US Immigration Service). We will have to complete form I-600A  (Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition).  We will have to provide proof of our marriage, our birth certificates and a copy of our completed home study. 

While we are waiting for the I-600A to be approved we start to prepare the Ukrainian dossier paperwork.  This process can take 3 to 4 weeks.  Before we head to Ukraine we have to have our dossier translated and authenticated in Ukraine and the submitted to to the SDA (not sure what that is).

We are planning on making two trips.  The first trip Kenneth and I will both have to go.  We will be there through the referral of the child through the Court proceedings.  This will take about 3 weeks to complete.  We will return home for a couple of weeks and Kenneth is planning on taking the second trip.  He will finish and tie up and loose ends which includes picking up the court decree, obtaining a new birth certificate for Roman, a passport and a visa from the American Embassy in Kyiv. 
Kenneth and Roman will be heading home!

Estimated Budget

1). Home Study - $1,500
· Usually consists of three visits
· If you’re not sure who to use, ask T. for a recommendation
· Make sure that that T. reviews H.S. BEFORE Social Worker issues
Takes around 4 -6 weeks typically – a lot of timing depends on you; get paperwork done as soon as possible!

2). Application to T (Adoption Process Simplified, LLC) $250
· Fill out application/contract for Adoption Process Simplified to have T.  facilitate your adoption
· Send in application with $250 check

3).Send Application package to USCIS - $890
· Check for $890
· Completed Home Study
· I-600A Application 
· Copies of Marriage Certificate
· Copies of Birth Certificates for husband and wife
· Divorce Decrees if applicable
Takes around 40 days to receive USCIS approval

4). During USCIS approval process – Prepare Ukrainian dossier paperwork  - $1,700
· Send T.’s 1st half of fee $1000
· Sign contract, send translation fee $ 500
· Apostille dossier $ 100 (can be< or > depending on state)  
· FedEx dossier to Ukraine $ 100
Takes 3-4 weeks to prepare (overlaps USCIS)
5.) Final Steps before Traveling –  $4,000
· Dossier gets translated and authenticated in Ukraine, then submitted to SDA
· Send in 2nd half of facilitation fee $1,000
· Prepare to Travel – you will receive travel date, packing list, Embassy forms and TIPS
·  flight reservations, 2 people $3,000 (semi off season)
Note – estimating flights cost is the HARDEST to predict, depends on season and advance notice and just luck!

· $9,000 Balance for Facilitation Fee
· $100 Ukrainian cell phone and internet aircard usage
· $1,000 orphanage donation (prepare and give in a nice card to Orphanage Director)
· $1,050 Food ($25 daily X 42 days-extra just in case)
· $1000 Internal Ukraine travel (on high side – depends on region traveling to)
· $700 difference if region has expensive (OLD TYPE) passport for child
· $1,550 Lodging (Kiev Apt $70 x 5 nights=$350) + (regional apartment $40 X 30 nights=$1200)
· $300 clothing/personal items for children/Souvenirs
· $230 at the Kiev American Embassy (must be new cash correct bills - no credit card)
· $2,000 extra cash to have in case some unexpected delay happens
· $650 Plane tickets to come home including one child


  1. Whew. That is a lot! John and I will be praying about what we can do to help.

  2. Hi there -
    looks like we're in this together! We hope to travel before the end of the year to adopt two 9 yo girls from Eastern UA. How exciting for you guys! Looking forward to following along on the journey.
